Speech-delayed children have uttered their first-ever vocal sounds during music therapy sessions with Christina. Moving, singing, even counting to musical rhythms has helped autistic children move into their families' worlds.
The Elderly
Home-bound elders can find joy singing old songs and reminiscing to recordings. Even if the clients do not remember their music session that day, they will feel better. Singing naturally increases oxygen intake and raises endorphin levels. Moving to, or even just hearing, musical rhythms can sharpen brain activity. Frequently, clients choose to go without their usual pain medication the evening after a music therapy session.
The Show Stoppers
Music Gives Life brings musical performing into the lives of senior citizens. Some of our performers are retired professionals. Many never performed in public before joining the program. These singing, dancing, musical instrument-playing Show Stoppers, ages 60 - 101, perform year-round in hospitals, schools, city parks, and community centers in the NYC area.